DMP Cinema und The Lighthouse of Digital Art laden Sie zu einem sehr aufregenden und völlig immersiven Kinoerlebnis ein, bei dem wir kopfüber direkt IN den legendären Anime-Klassiker GHOST IN THE SHELL (1995) eintauchen! Während der Film vor Ihnen gezeigt wird, wird rund um und unter Ihnen eine immersive, mit dem Film synchronisierte Lichtshow abgespielt! Mit den Szenenwechseln des Films ändert sich auch die Lichtshow, um Ihren Geist anzuregen und das Geschehen vor Ihnen zu ergänzen! Die Anzahl der Tickets ist sehr begrenzt.
DATUM: Mittwoch, 19. März
SPRACHE: English Dub
ZEIT & DAUER: 20:30 - 22:00 (90 Minuten Laufzeit)
STANDORT: The Lighthouse of Digital Art
ADRESSE: Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin
FILM SYNOPSIS: In einer futuristischen Welt, in der Brain-Hacking weit verbreitet ist, machen sich eine Cyborg-Polizistin und ihr Partner auf die Suche nach dem Haupttäter hinter dem Verbrechen, dem Puppenspieler.
Achtung: Unsere Ausstellung kann bei Menschen mit lichtempfindlicher Epilepsie epileptische Anfälle auslösen.
12,00 €
DMP Cinema and The Lighthouse of Digital Art invite you to a very exciting and fully immersive cinematic experience, as we dive headfirst directly INSIDE of the iconic anime classic GHOST IN THE SHELL (1995)! As the film is screened in front of you, an immersive light show synchronized with the film will play all around and below you! As the scenes of the film change, so will the light show, to stimulate your mind and compliment what is happening in front of you! Tickets are very limited.
DATE: Thursday March 20th
LANGUAGE: English Dub
TIME & DURATION: 20:30 - 22:00 (90 Minute Runtime)
LOCATION: The Lighthouse of Digital Art
ADDRESS: Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin
FILM SYNOPSIS: In a futuristic world where brain hacking has become rampant, a cyborg policewoman and her partner set out to find the main culprit behind the crime, the Puppet Master.
Warning: our exhibition may trigger seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy.
12,00 €
DMP Cinema and The Lighthouse of Digital Art invite you to a very exciting and fully immersive cinematic experience, as we dive headfirst directly INSIDE of the iconic anime classic GHOST IN THE SHELL (1995)! As the film is screened in front of you, an immersive light show synchronized with the film will play all around and below you! As the scenes of the film change, so will the light show, to stimulate your mind and compliment what is happening in front of you! Tickets are very limited.
DATE: Saturday March 22nd
LANGUAGE: English Dub
TIME & DURATION: 21:30 - 23:00 (90 Minute Runtime)
LOCATION: The Lighthouse of Digital Art
ADDRESS: Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin
FILM SYNOPSIS: In a futuristic world where brain hacking has become rampant, a cyborg policewoman and her partner set out to find the main culprit behind the crime, the Puppet Master.
Warning: our exhibition may trigger seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy.
12,00 €
DMP Cinema and The Lighthouse of Digital Art invite you to a very exciting and fully immersive cinematic experience, as we dive headfirst directly INSIDE of the film PINK FLOYD: THE WALL! As the film is screened in front of you, an immersive light show synchronized with the film will play all around and below you! As the scenes of the film change, so will the light show, to stimulate your mind and compliment what is happening in front of you! Tickets are very limited.
DATE: Sunday March 23rd
LANGUAGE: English Dub
TIME & DURATION: 20:30 - 22:10 (95 Minute Runtime)
LOCATION: The Lighthouse of Digital Art
ADDRESS: Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin
FILM SYNOPSIS: An entire film set to the masterpiece rock album THE WALL about a confined but troubled rock star who descends into madness in the midst of his physical and social isolation from everyone.
Warning: our exhibition may trigger seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy.
12,00 €